She turned to her father, her eyes already misty. The look he returned to her clearly said he would be misty-eyed if his vampire-body would allow it.
“You look like a vision, as always,” he replied softly.
“Dad,” she protested, giving him a bashful look. Please don’t make me cry, she thought to him. I’m going to ruin my makeup.
He gave her a lightning fast wink. “One of us has to, don’t they?” he answered out loud.
Thank you…for everything. For forgiving me for how I’ve acted…for accepting Jacob….for helping us even stand a chance, she thought.
Edward’s lips twitched slightly as he tried not to smile.
“Of course,” he answered.
She sniffed, nodding. I know you didn’t have to accept him the way you did….but…the fact that you’re so happy for me…on my wedding day….shows that you’re okay with this.
“I love him as if he was my own. My heart…or lack of…couldn’t be happier today for you, Renesmee,” he promised.
“You do?” she whispered, her voice already shaking.
He nodded. “You know your old, stubborn father. Does he ever say anything he doesn’t truly mean? I trusted you to pick your own destiny….and I’m glad you picked the right one. You just….needed some time to figure things out. Make some mistakes…grow, I suppose. But you figured it out."
She sniffed, reaching for both of his hands. Squeezing them on her own, she marveled at the feeling of her father’s smooth, cool fingers.
I almost screwed everything up. Denali, Stefan, running away, Damon, the Volturi….
Edward gave her another wry smile. “Well, you wouldn’t be your mother’s daughter if you weren’t a little bit foolish at times. But when it comes to the most important thing of all - love,” he replied, his voice as smooth as satin, “You’ve always done the right thing."
I love you, dad. I know I've put you through hell....
"I did the same to you, Renesmee."
All is forgiven today though, right?
Her father looked up, his golden eyes shining. He nodded, taking another look at her in her white wedding dress.
“As promised, something blue,” Edward replied, slipping something on her wrist. Renesmee gasped, looking down at the dainty diamond and sapphire bracelet that now hung around her wrist. It was small and simple, yet had a beautiful antique look that she adored.
“I love it!” she gasped, holding up her wrist. Edward smiled, leaning down to kiss her cheek. "Another trinket of my mother's that luckily...." he stopped, swallowing. "Carlisle made me keep."
"Oh dad..."“Enough of that. I believe you have another item of jewelry to go collect. Shall we?” he asked, holding out his arm. Renesmee nodded, and she couldn't help but feel like she was taking a step towards her destiny.